Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012!

Well, apparently I've totally forgotten about blogging! :)  So I'll try to do a year in highlights, and make a resolution to be a better blogger in the new year!

Since summer, things have been fast and furious.  So let me try to do a quick recap for each of us!

Erin Jo turned 5 in August and received horseback riding lessons as her gift for her birthday, and along with her cute pair of pink boots and hat, she seems pretty at ease on a horse. :)  We are very grateful for a wonderful and patient instructor and friend in Laura who has been wonderful with her.  We started school in the Stepp home and have enjoyed many outings with other home school families.  She is dancing again this year, and she has really developed a LOVE for ballet, which makes me smile. :)  She has a warm and gentle spirit, a very tender heart, paired with her strong will.  I love her so much and delight in seeing her grow softer and softer to the Lord's work in her life.

Bodie-man is all braun.  We've made two (and should have made three!) emergency room visits with him since summer -- two times with broken feet and once with a completely split open upper lip.  But not much seems to slow the little guy down.  It gets comical in the midst of the seriousness of things when your little guy gets to the emergency room and says, "Hey, I came here when I broke my foot!"  He loves to wrestle and run and jump -- and hit and bite and yell and slap booties -- which I am trying to balance out with discernment, typical boy stuff, and lots and lots of training...  "Boy oh boy" is the correct description for him. 

Joe continues to minister to our church congregation and has been challenged in many areas of ministry in the last several months. He has a passion about his role and God's desire for him in leading our church possibly in different directions.  I just sort-of sit back and watch because the whole thing is a little surreal.  But I know the Lord is working and shaking things up a bit, and I am so glad that he has the will and determination to do things the Lord's way.  He was recently asked to coach a season of boys 5th and 6th grade basketball.  Kinda like dangling a carrot in front of a bunny...I am pretty sure it was irresistable to him. :)  So he is enjoying that and gets to coach his 6th grade nephew in his last season of little league.  Very cool. :)

I get to teach six hours of dance a week, which I completely adore, and I even get to co-teach Erin's dance class. :)  So fun!  Two days a week, as well, I lead Good News Clubs after school in the public schools, and we've had amazing opportunities to see many boys and girls come to know Jesus as their savior.  And, I took the plunge and began selling Premier Jewelry, which I have wanted to do and have prayed about for a couple of years.  I really, really like it so far and have loved the new people I get to meet in the process.  I sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed when my schedule gets a little crazy, because adding my role as mom and teacher in our home, as well as teaching Sunday School and helping with Wednesday night kids' class at church, plus being a wife, daughter, sister, etc...  I have to admit that a little break over Christmas has been wonderful.

Our family enjoyed a little "get-away" to San Antonio a month or so ago, and that was awesome.  :)  My mom is staying with us a little while after she had a knee replacement just before Christmas.  She is making steady and consistent progress, and I am so proud of her.  The kiddos sure enjoy her being here. :)

I'll post a few pics, and with that, I will close for today.  You'll have to hold me accountable to be a better blogger this year!  Thanks for sharing in our lives. :)
