My handsome little man after I cut his hair! His first haircut! :)
The four of us hiking up Sandia in Albuquerque, NM.
Have you ever experienced moments, days, weeks, years when the powerful presence of the Lord and His work around you was unmistakable? When each time you turn, each place you explore, every person you talk to, every road you cross is filled with promises and protection of the Lord and His handiwork? Our weeks have been full of Him.
Last week, we began receiving little gifts from people from our church. It started with a card with some goodies in it; then the next day a family brought us a gift; the next day more goodies from another family... Joe and I started putting it all together and realized it is Pastor's Appreciation Month and our church has adopted us for every day of the month!!! We find ourselves feeling like little kids at Christmas, wondering what the day will bring. :) Our church is so wonderful! What a gift from God!
Then we got to see the Lord at work with my mom. She had an anaphylactic reaction to the eye drops that were prescribed before her second cataract surgery -- you know, the whole NOT ABLE TO BREATHE THING. My grandma "happened" to swing by Mom's house at that exact moment and was able to help her to the emergency room just before mom's situation became life-taking. She had a pretty scary week after that, but she was able to have her second cataract surgery yesterday (with different antibiotic drops!) and she is doing well. She is so resilient; God is so faithful. He makes no mistake. My smile for the day: yesterday when Erin and Bodie and I were almost ready to drive back to Perryton after leaving Mom's, Erin told me that I was "cooler than camouflage." I said, "That's so sweet, Erin. What's camouflage?" She responded, "I think it's some kind of food." :)
We took some much needed "time away" last weekend, too. Joe, Erin, Bodie, and I drove to Albuquerque, NM for the Hot-Air Balloon Fiesta and were awed at the surreal emotion we experienced as all the balloons inflated and lifted into the air -- amazing. Even now when you say "balloon," Bodie looks up into the sky to see what he can see! We explored a great science and learning museum geared for children called Explora, went to the zoo, aquarium, and botanical gardens, met up with some precious friends, swam at the hotel, hiked a trail up Sandia, and enjoyed some great Mexican food. :) Funny story -- As we toured the zoo and were excited about each animal we saw, Erin would say, "Oh, Mom, look! A ZEBRA!!!" or something similar. Bodie simultaneously searched the exhibit and would yell, "BALL!!!! Ball-ball-ball-ball-BALL!!!" :) We returned refreshed and excited. Great trip -- thanks, God! :)
Then, Dad's shop was broken into. Things were taken from two of the vehicles, one of which was Dad's pickup. It was upsetting to them, to say the least, and Dad said it felt like he had been personally violated. A thief going through your things -- not knowing what he/they saw, touched, took, said, etc. as they were rummaging through my dad's things. I can see why Dad is so upset. The last I heard, the police had suspicions and leads but we haven't heard anything definitive. Our Protector God at work for Dad... :)
And, I could stand it no longer... I gave Bodie his first haircut this week. :) He looks like a little boy. I didn't cut it too short, though, and he still has some curls in the back. Such a handsome little guy! MUCH better! ;)
Pray for me in the coming week. Since I am no longer working (out of the home) we have been trying to add me to Joe's insurance and they have declined me twice. We've appealed it, and the insurance company wrote back saying that they'd further consider our appeal if current blood work revealed a normal platelet count. I need your prayers that my body would be a platelet-making machine in the next week before my blood work is done. :) And that our insurance will approve. God cares about the details...
Look around; take a minute to notice. I hope you see it, too -- God is at work around you, in you, and through you, too! He loves you. He cares about the details in your life.
So do we. :)
I hope your prayers come true and you get on Joe's insurance. I will add you to mine tonight, Jana. I love the new haircut for Bodie! I was crushed when we first cut Hunter's curls off. He still gets them back from time to time when we wait a little extra. His poor sisters have my fine straight hair. Big brother got all the body and curls!