As I sit down to the computer to type a much needed update for our blog, and I am so filled with the knowledge and emotion of the Lord's presence in this place. I hear the scratchy sound of our little man in the background strapping and unstrapping the velcro on his newest body attachment, his boot cast (more on that later). Add that to the bump, brush, bump, brush sound in between the scratches as he attempts to sweep up the kitchen floor once again after dumping the dog food all over the floor. :) In the other ear I hear the deep voice of a giant pickle teaching my daughter about why it is important not to lie. And the click clack of our dog Peanut and my sister-in-law's dog Sassy competing with Bodie over the spilled dog food. The sweet aroma of a ham cooking in the oven (for tomorrow) is making me hungry, and tonight's dinner, grilled veggies -- OH MY GOODNESS THE VEGGIES! I almost forgot them!!! -- are calling my name. I love the feel of going outside into the HOT HOT HOT after being inside our air conditioned home. And I love the feel of going inside after being in the HOT HOT HOT outside. My toy-covered living room and messy kitchen remind me once again that I am so blessed to have a home that needs cleaning and that my children have an abundance of things to play. Dear God, thank You for being in this place.
Bodie turned two at the end of May. His vocabulary is blossoming and he has developed an amazing sense of humor. He has a repertoire of phrases that he makes us laugh with every night as he repeats them over and over and over until our sides are splitting: "Momma, are you mad?" :) "We need gas." "It might rain." and "Momma, your toenails are pretty." He vascilates between having an extremely strong will and being the sweetest sweetheart on the planet. :) He weighs 30 pounds, is 36 inches tall, and except for having my brown eyes and having blonde hair (who knows where that comes from!) he sure looks like his daddy. :) Acts like him, too. I remember when I was in labor with Bodie, Joe's mom was encouraging me in the hospital when our family doctor came into the room to check on our progress. She put her arm around him and he put his arm around her. Angie asked him, "Rick, what do you think about us having another BOY?" Dr. Rick didn't miss a beat. He looked at her and smiled and said, "Well, we raised one (meaning Joe), and we'll just raise another." Was he ever right. Last week, we took our little guy to see Dr. Rick for his first x-ray and first broken bone. I can't remember how many broken bones Joe had growing up -- six? seven? Not sure, but I am afraid Bodie may give him some competition...
Joe keeps threatening to put a brick on Erin's head if she doesn't stop growing so much. :) She is always measuring herself next to things and it cracks me up because she is so proud that she has hair on her legs!!! :) She has a tender heart and we are seeing a bit of a prophet emerge as she develops more of an awareness of the Lord at work around her (she is more like her daddy than we ever knew!). Things are very black and white to her, either completely right or completely wrong, either very good or very bad. She told me the last time we had to chastise Bodie and her that she wished that we weren't born into sin. Boy, so do I. :) Thank the Lord for the precious blood of Jesus. She performed in her second dance recital at the end of May, and I was so proud of her. She begins Kindergarten (at home) in the Fall, and she and I both are so excited to begin! And believe it or not, we had her first ortho consult -- who knew it started at age 4!? -- and feel so blessed to live in this community of professionals who love the Lord.
Our family just returned from an amazing vacation to the East Coast. We spent several days in Greenville, SC (highly recommended, by the way), spent wonderful time with some wonderful friends we've not seen in five or six years, enjoyed the beautiful wedding of a precious couple, Nancy and Daniel Goodnight, and spent several days on the "crystal coast" near Emerald Isle with my best NC friend Cheryl and her family Stacey, Kaitlyn, and David Asato. Bodie loved the "big sandbox" and "big water," and Erin loved jumping the waves in the salty water, catching fish with Stacey, riding the boat, and she came home with two hermit crabs, Rapunzel and Russell. :) Shakespear's words, "Parting is such sweet sorrow," resonates in our ears. David's descriptor of our trip seems the most appropriate -- "bittersweet." So sweet to be together with friends. So hard to leave. I can't wait to see them again.
We are gearing up for three weeks of awesome ministry -- two 5-day bible clubs in local parks and a week at camp teaching children about Jesus. I am so excited. :)
And now to enjoy a vegetarian feast -- corn on the cobb that my sweet sister-in-law gave to us before they left for their vacation and "shish bob" squash, zucchini, "may-mays" (tomatoes), red onions, potatoes, asparagus, and bell peppers. Don't worry, vegetarian friends, you'll never convert us -- we will have a meat-filled diet tomorrow. :)
Love and blessings to you and yours and happy summer! :)
Amazing pictures! I loved the "big sand box." :)
ReplyDeleteJana! Bryan and I finally refound you and Joe! You are all so beautiful! I can't believe how much your children have grown! I have added you onto my blog roll so I can follow you guys. Take care and God Bless :)